Saturday, July 25, 2009

Health Care Reform

Hello people it is 7/25/09 and as promised we are going to open up today with discussions on the Obama health care reform. There is a whole lot of this and that going back and forth over this whole issue and it's really starting to get pretty ugly out there. So today i want to know what is your take on the whole situation? Do you think this is a good idea or not? And do you think our country needs this or not? As for my point of view I think this is the greatest thing to ever happen to this country and yes we need it, we needed it about 6 years ago. For those who don't know what the reform is proposing, here it is in a nutshell. Basically Obama wants to create a free health care system for the united states of America. That's great in itself but it also does so much more.

This bill will help America in so many other ways. One of the major most important things that it does is it pulls our spiraling economy out of the nose dive that it is currently in. Many people wonder how is this so? Well it's like this the current cost of medicare the way it is today is way more than what the government can handle. This is so due to Social Security basically paying for medicare. That doesn't sound like a big deal because most of the people who are getting medicare are people over 65 right? Yeah that's true but there are about to be a whole lot more people over the age of 65 at one time in America. The baby boomers are getting older. Whats going to happen there is there isn't going to be enough Social Security funds to pay for medicare. The way that medicare is now the system is very flawed. This was supposed to be free Health care to some but people still have to pay premiums, get supplemental insurance,or pay deductibles. I probably didn't do the best job of explaining this but if you want a great explanation of all this, check out this documentary: I.O.U.S.A.
Another great thing that this bill will do is increase jobs. I will eliminate the high cost of health insurance that employers will have to pay for their employees. This will also increase the number of patients to hospitals and clinics so it should increase the need of Health Care workers and put some out of work Health Care workers to work. I also think that this will be a great help to the hospital systems. Now big county hospitals like Grady Hospital in Atlanta won't be on the verge of Bankruptcy all the time.
Lastly the out of pocket cost to Americans. There are thousands if not millions of Americans that are swamped by hospital debt and have no way of paying it off. This reform will take such a load off of the shoulders of the hard working average American. I pray that none of you reading this will ever have to go through a time that you would need to pay a large hospital bill, but for those of us who have already this is the biggest and most direct impact to people like us, the average American.

Well that's just how I feel about the situation. Please leave comments expressing your views and how you feel about it and what you want to see done with it. I thank you for all your support and for reading and don't forget to tell a friend about me

Your average Joe

Friday, July 24, 2009

first issue

Hello people today is 7/24/09 and there is a lot of stuff going on in the world today. One of the biggest headlines is Obama's remarks on the arrest of Harvard professor, Henry Louis Gates Jr. For those of you who don't know the story, Gates is a Harvard professor that was arrested in his own home after it was broken into.

Now with this being one of the biggest news makers in the nation of course our President Barack Obama has heard about this incident. When questioned on this subject Obama responded , that the Cambridge police acted stupidly. With this remark Obama essentially threw a can of gasoline on an already heated situation. That brings us to this headline on in which the Cambridge police want an apology from the President.
According to the reports of the Cambridge police, Gates was uncooperative with them once they arrived on the scene and he refused to show his identification. The report goes on to say that Gates was arrested due to disorderly conduct and that those charges were subsequently dropped. Cambridge officer James Crowley states that Gates immediately took it as a race issue and that he refused to talk to the police.
Alright, on this one i think that both sides were wrong. I do however agree with Obama and think that the police acted stupidly. There was no reason what so ever to arrest that man in his own home, Yeah he may have been a little upset and uncooperative at first, but what man wouldn't who just had his home broken into. They charged the man with disorderly conduct. That's not a real crime or anything to be charged with. Disorderly conduct basically gives a cop to arrest you for speaking your mind.(being a smart mouth) In my opinion they should have let him cool down and try later. Now i am not saying it was totally the officers' fault. Mr. Gates should have composed himself and been more cooperative with the cops.

Alright ladies and gentleman I am going to cut this one short. i do apologize for the late post but I had a lot of page editing to do and some other things. Please feel free to comment on today's topic or leave a comment on anything you want comments are greatly appreciated. On tommorrow i will be opening the discussion on The Health Care Reform that Obama is proposing and the daily news. As i said before this is a work in progress thank you for your support and tell a friend about me.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

day one open for business (7/21/09)

My name is actually Joe. I am the person if the chances are one in a million that it would happen to some one its probably happened to me twice. I am an open minded person that loves to learn, and live life to the fullest. I always take a light " look at the bright side of life attitude" towards all situations. I am also the person who will tell it like it is, with no sugar coating. In creating this blog i want to express my views and the views of the average person on world topics and life issues. I encourage anyone who stops by to post a comment on any issue that you feel. I am sure that this blog will enlighten some, encourage others, may bring a much needed smile to the faces of some, may pull a tear from others, hopefully it will pull the wool from the eyes of some, and could possibly bring anger to others. in closing i would like to say that this is a work in progress i am new to this so stick with me and it will get better. i am open to any suggestions. Lastly thank all of you for your support Your average Joe