Friday, July 24, 2009

first issue

Hello people today is 7/24/09 and there is a lot of stuff going on in the world today. One of the biggest headlines is Obama's remarks on the arrest of Harvard professor, Henry Louis Gates Jr. For those of you who don't know the story, Gates is a Harvard professor that was arrested in his own home after it was broken into.

Now with this being one of the biggest news makers in the nation of course our President Barack Obama has heard about this incident. When questioned on this subject Obama responded , that the Cambridge police acted stupidly. With this remark Obama essentially threw a can of gasoline on an already heated situation. That brings us to this headline on in which the Cambridge police want an apology from the President.
According to the reports of the Cambridge police, Gates was uncooperative with them once they arrived on the scene and he refused to show his identification. The report goes on to say that Gates was arrested due to disorderly conduct and that those charges were subsequently dropped. Cambridge officer James Crowley states that Gates immediately took it as a race issue and that he refused to talk to the police.
Alright, on this one i think that both sides were wrong. I do however agree with Obama and think that the police acted stupidly. There was no reason what so ever to arrest that man in his own home, Yeah he may have been a little upset and uncooperative at first, but what man wouldn't who just had his home broken into. They charged the man with disorderly conduct. That's not a real crime or anything to be charged with. Disorderly conduct basically gives a cop to arrest you for speaking your mind.(being a smart mouth) In my opinion they should have let him cool down and try later. Now i am not saying it was totally the officers' fault. Mr. Gates should have composed himself and been more cooperative with the cops.

Alright ladies and gentleman I am going to cut this one short. i do apologize for the late post but I had a lot of page editing to do and some other things. Please feel free to comment on today's topic or leave a comment on anything you want comments are greatly appreciated. On tommorrow i will be opening the discussion on The Health Care Reform that Obama is proposing and the daily news. As i said before this is a work in progress thank you for your support and tell a friend about me.