Tuesday, July 21, 2009

day one open for business (7/21/09)

My name is actually Joe. I am the person if the chances are one in a million that it would happen to some one its probably happened to me twice. I am an open minded person that loves to learn, and live life to the fullest. I always take a light " look at the bright side of life attitude" towards all situations. I am also the person who will tell it like it is, with no sugar coating. In creating this blog i want to express my views and the views of the average person on world topics and life issues. I encourage anyone who stops by to post a comment on any issue that you feel. I am sure that this blog will enlighten some, encourage others, may bring a much needed smile to the faces of some, may pull a tear from others, hopefully it will pull the wool from the eyes of some, and could possibly bring anger to others. in closing i would like to say that this is a work in progress i am new to this so stick with me and it will get better. i am open to any suggestions. Lastly thank all of you for your support Your average Joe