Saturday, September 12, 2009

Let's Get Fired up and Ready to go

Hello world he's done it again. Our president Barack Obama has made another earth shattering Health care speech at a health care rally in Minnesota. Keep it up Mr. President we are behind you 100%. I feel honored and blessed to be alive in a historic time like this to see the best and worst that the United States of America has to offer. Take some time and watch the following videos

Health care rally

Obama address to govt

Pres. Obama speaks to autoworkers

Obama speaks to AFL-CIO

After seeing these videos of our president over the past few days it seems to be pretty obvious that this guy and his administration actually has the American people in mind. This man is trying to help save this great country by turning around one of the worst economies in U.S. history. This man is trying to help American people by making health insurance more affordable and accessible. This man is trying to help people who lost their jobs gain employment again. This man is doing all of these things on top of everything else that it takes to run this great country. There are a lot of people who believe in him and support him 100%. These are truly historic times in our country never before have there been a president like this who seems to be a regular person with a consciousness for the regular person that is the American Citizen.
Now on that same hand just on the other side these are also one of the most troubling times that I have ever had to live through in my short life. There has been so much opposition of this guy and his administration that its incredible. Never before that i have ever seen or anybody that i know has ever seen. Coincidentally this is the first time we have had an African American president. Lots of people are naive and ignorant and may be a shamed and don't want to admit that alot of this is because of his race. Maybe its not due to his race. Then what could it be??? His ideals ? Is he trying to hurt our country? Is he putting our countries safety or well-being in danger?? Sadly to those questions i cant seem to find a yes in any way. I have however found and have heard some racial issues. I tell you what take a look at these videos and determine for yourself.

This is a documentary that was done by alexandra pelosi. Just listen to the many many lies and propraganda that these people base their opposition on.

This video disturbs me deeply. It is amazing that people are this ignorant and uninformed and so gullable. This video is also disturbing in how it shows peoples hatred for someone that they obviously don't know. It is if people are trying to put a made up political agenda over their true feelings about a black president.

This is actual video of the 9/12 protest by Max Blumenthal

This video is especailly disturbing because this was just last week. These people are the perfect example of the gullable uneducated side of America. These people have mysteriously come out of the woodworks to protest not just Obama but the United States government itself. It's bad enough that they are relating our president to real Nazis and tyrrants that actually killed and oppressed millions of people. These people are actually against the United States Government. With some of the accusations that these people are making seems like to me some trails of treason should be coming about.
The 9/12 Teabagger protesters have earned my second Half Baked Dumbass award. Congratulations dumbasses .

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Thursday, September 10, 2009

great speech Mr. Obama

Hello World first off i really do appreciate every one's support and time taken to read this blog. Having said that i must say this don't be shy speak up spread the word and feel free to comment on any subject on here. Onward and Forward as many of you know our president Barack Obama gave a very pivotal speech on Health care Reform and his updated stance on it. For those of you who haven't seen it check it out down below. I recommend that every body sees this speech it is truly an epic piece of American history. I am especially glad that he said some of the things that he said to further disprove the right winged nut jobs that are fighting the Reform with the ridiculous Bullshit scare campaigns. He has also reassured and reaffirmed that he is not deviating from his original plan, although it has been modified some, it is still the reform that this country so desperately needs. Ladies and Gentlemen The President of The United States Barack Obama

Now that you have seen quite possibly the most important speech of a president in most of our lifetimes, I you have noticed at 21:48 in the speech you might have heard some dumbass yell out and disrupt the president. Well sadly that dumbass is an actual elected official from South Carolina. His name is Joe Wilson he is the congressional representative for South Carolina's 2nd congressional district. His demonstration on the night of 9/9/09 was so unprofessional and despicable that it is appalling that some one like that could possibly be elected into any office. I am quite sure that if any of us regular people had an outburst like that in a board meeting of our employers that our tenure with that company would come to and abrupt end.
Joe Wilson has managed to display a level of stupidity and ignorance rarely seen in public. His outburst of "you lie" was to the response of Pres. Obama stating that illegal immigrants would not be covered under the reform plan. Whats even sadder about the whole situation is that Joe Wilson is incorrect in his accusation, it clearly states in the bill that illegal immigrants will not be covered. Joe Wilson is definitely not an average Joe, he is however the first recipient of The HalfBaked Dumbass Award.

Joe Wilson

Joe Wilson (R-SC) hollered out and called the President a liar during The Presidential Address. Call his office and let him know what you think about that - (202) 225-2452 / (803) 939-0041.

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Your Average Joe